Leaving a Legacy

In 1981, Bonnie had a vision to help families have better outcomes when seeking treatment for childhood cancers! Her legacy was the creation of Stop Children's Cancer. She had a goal of raising $1,000,000!! Bonnie's vision has helped so many families and her goal was realized with more than $10,000,000 raised to support research for childhood cancers. There is more to do and we need your help!!

By leaving a legacy, you will further Bonnie's vision, giving hope to more families!! Please consider a legacy donation, we are here to assist you.

Ways to Leave Your Legacy: 

(Please contact the office to be recognized as a treasured Legacy Donor)

* In honor or memory
* IRA distributions
* Shares of stock
* Specific asset
* Specified dollar amount
* Life insurance proceeds
* Bequest of an estate
* Naming of a Fund for $25,000 or more

Learn More

History of The Legacy Endowment Fund

In 1998, The Legacy Endowment Fund was created with the purpose to raise donations of $1,000,000, to be placed “in perpetuity” with the sole intent of using the interest earned for research to further our mission: The prevention, control, and cure of childhood cancers. At that time, interest rates were 18% which would have allowed $180,000 per year toward research efforts.

In 2006, $1,000,001 was endowed to the University of Florida for the Stop Children's Cancer / Bonnie R. Freeman Professorship. This amount fulfilled the Legacy Endowment Fund promise of $1,000,000 “in perpetuity”.

In May of 2021, since the "in perpetuity," funding had been fulfilled and with the current low-interest rates, the Stop Children's Cancer Board of Directors moved to create additional ways of giving to continue the much-needed research. Please refer to the above "Ways to Leaving A Legacy".

Thank You for Building a Lasting Legacy!!

Stop Children’s Cancer Appreciates and Honors the Legacy Endowment Fund Donors. See list below:

Platinum ($10,000 Donation)

Keith & Phyllis Baucom
Ben Campen
Kevin Corr
The Dooley Family
Mike & Beth Flaitz
Bella Rose Freeman
In Memory of Bill & Breezy Freeman
In Memory of Bonnie R. Freeman
Carolyne R. Freeman
Howard & Laurel Freeman
Jay & Janie Hutto

Marilyn Nye-Islam & Jim Islam

Irving & Shirley Kaplan
Klaus Fine Jewelry
Lyrics for Life/Sister Hazel
Anne Margoluis
Mitchell Martin
Lynne & Tony Randazzo
Jack & Dorene Ross
Michael A. Singer
Ralph W. Smith & Family
Jim & Kelley Thorp
Patricia Turner
Peter & Beverly White

Gold ($5,000 Donation)

In Memory of Stanley & Rose Schuyler
Alex Stuckey

Silver ($2,500 Donation)

Doris Bardon & Murray Laurie
Douglas & Amy Diehl
In Memory of Remi Kaufmann
Lucille F. Rhim

Bronze ($1,000 Donation)

In Memory of Doris Bardon
In Memory of Calvin & Pearl Bell
Mary Brane
City Boys
Gainesville Masonic Lodge #41 F&AM
In Memory of David Huffman
Tuan & Heather Le & Family
In Memory of Archie McCormick
In Memory of Lennart Peterson
UF Police Department—Employee Assistance Program
In Memory of Richard Whipple
Wiseheart Foundation

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